Model Studies – Actual status

Most important for prognostic model studies is their validation on the basis of the actual status in nature. The model is controlled by the actual meteorological boundary conditions, by the actual bathymetry and the in and out flowing water masses.
One of the major results of the simulation model is the current pattern which for example can be validated by current measurements. Currents resulting from model studies depend strongly on the governing boundary conditions i.e. the bathymetry, the wind and the in and out flow. Differences between measurements and model results in general are caused by wrong assumptions regarding the boundary conditions.

Surface current pattern calculated with westerly winds and in and outflow volumes of 1 m³/s


Additionally to the simulation of the basic actual status the current pattern was calculated for an in flow volume which is typical for the summer season. This typical summer in flow was derived from daily records of the in flow volume of the last 10 years. For the time period from June to September a mean in flow of 1.6 m³/s was calculated.

Figure: Daily mean in flow volumes calculated from culvert records from 1996 to 2006

Model results based on the summer in flow volume (1.6 m3/s) clearly show very weak current velocities in the area of the swimming bath. That means that the residence time of for example contaminated water is very high at this place.

Figure: Model results of the currents with weak wind forces and a typical summer inflow of 1.6 m³/s.

In order to improve the hydrodynamic situation (decrease of residence time) within the Krähenteich two different approaches were studied. The first approach, a short-term increase of the in flow volume modifies the current regime in the lake substantially. It causes a pronounced decrease of the residence time within the area of the swimming bath. This scenario was calculated with an in flow volume of 7.1 m³/s.

Figure: Model results of the currents with weak wind forces and a maximum in flow of 7.1 m³/s.

Due to the fact that during summer time in general only low precipitation (rainfall) can be expected the water capacity for flushing the Krähenteich is limited. For that reason it is important to study the flushing time necessary to cause a substantial removal of contaminated water within the swimming area. The following model studies were focused on different flushing scenarios as well as on a more technical approach (training wall).


Model Studies

Studying the impact of selected technical measures to control and improve the flushing capabilities of the currents within the target area, the wind and its driving forces were not considered. This assumption provides a good approach for the summer season, when considerable wind velocities are rather rare in the target area and therefore mixing forced by wind is almost neglectible.


Figure: Actual bathymetry of the Krähenteich without training wall.
Figure: Actual bathymetry of the Krähenteich with training wall.

Figure: Model results (current pattern) with a maximum flushing (7.1 m³/s).

Figure: Model results (current pattern) with a maximum flushing (7.1 m³/s) plus training wall.

Based on the model results (3-dimensional current pattern) the residence time was calculated with different tracer scenarios. With this approach a number of different water bodies (e.g. the swimming bath area) within the Krähenteich were marked with tracers of different colour. Due to this approach it is possible to follow the path ways (i.e. the spreading) of these different water bodies.

Figure (up): Tracer scenario without training wall (time step 15 min.).

Figure (down): Vertical tracer distribution within Krähenteich and swimming bath area (time step 15 min.).

Figure (up): Tracer scenario with training wall (time step 15 min.).

Figure (down): Vertical tracer distribution within Krähenteich and swimming bath area (time step 15 min.).


The statistical evaluation of the tracer’s spreading provides exact information on the residence time of the different water bodies. For the entire Krähenteich a number of 136.300 tracers were regularly distributed over the water body. For the water body of the swimming bath area a number of 28.100 tracers were necessary.

Figure: Evaluation of the tracer study (residence time) without training wall. Figure: Evaluation of the tracer study (residence time) with training wall.


Additionally to the information on the residence time of the waters within the swimming bath area the tracer studies provided also information on the residence time within the entire Krähenteich.

Figure: Residence time within the Krähenteich without training wall. Figure: Residence time within the Kr ähenteich with training wall.

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